
When will we get a social “triple A” rating, Mr Juncker?

François Denuit

In VoxEurop

Employment is still high on the list of Europeans’ concerns and was the central feature of Mr Juncker’s programme when he first landed the top job at the European Commission. But his plans have been derailed by growing rifts between member states. It is time for the EU to regroup and keep to its promises, a Belgian PhD student argues here.

When he first took office, the President of the “last chance” European Commission spoke of his desire to be “triple-A on social issues”. Over a year later, “social Europe” still remains an urgent necessity for the EU. While today’s climate of crumbling solidarity has left many pro-Europeans with little to hold onto, we must now more than ever remind ourselves of possible paths towards an “alternative Europe” that is based around social principles.

Link: HERE

This project receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 722826.