Shared Data-Set / Emerald / Data


Chapter Emerald

Author Céline C. Cocq
Type of file pdf
Size 239.4kB
Date uploaded 16.02.2021
Version 2
Document created at 16.02.2021
Keywords related to FOCUS EU Capacities, Institutional Proliferation Keywords related to THEORIES Comparative Regionalism Keywords related to CASE STUDIES Area of Freedom Security and Justice, ASEAN, European Union, European External Action Keywords related to THEMES Criminal Law, Inter-regionalism, Legal Cooperation, Terrorism, Treaty on the European Union, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union Keywords related to METHODS Comparative Analysis, Case study Keywords related to CONCEPTS Capability, Cooperation, European, Externalisation, Institutionalization, Intergovernmentalism, Legislation, Norm, Organizations, Regionalism, Relations, Supranationalism, Transnational, Rule Tags

Finding a path through a multi-headed interregional relationship: The EU’s action vis-à-vis the ASEAN region in criminal matters



States are increasingly cooperating with each other in order to eradicate safe havens for criminals. Some States have gone further than others in creating regional systems in order to ensure a smooth flow of people in and out of the country and to ensure smooth cooperation between national authorities that have competence for criminal matters. While the EU is well known to be the most integrated system, ASEAN is in the early stages of an integration process and is still governed by traditional interstate relations. Taking into account their specificities, these two regional organisations have been the most active in facilitating interstate cooperation so far.

Given that criminal threats do not stay within regional boundaries just as they do not stay within national ones, an interregional dialogue has been initiated between the EU and ASEAN. In this context, the EU has sought to develop and safeguard its role as an independent and valuable actor in international relations and, more specifically, in interregional relations. In its own way, the EU aims to export its standards in the fight against transnational crime to the Southeast Asian region. With this purpose in mind, the EU must reflect on whether its strategy fits the specificities and needs of its interlocutors, namely the regional organisation and its Member States.

This project receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 722826.