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Doctoral defence of Celine Cocq

12:00 - 14:00
Online video conference hosted by Université de Genève
The zoom session can be reached via the following link:

Public Doctoral Defense of Céline C. Cocq on
"Mutual Trust in Regional and Interregional Cooperation on Counterterrorism: An Analysis of the EU and ASEAN Approaches."

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Hosted by the Université de Genève, the viva will be held online. Participation is open. 

Interested parties can join the session following link:

Jury Composition: 

  • Pierre Klein (Chair - Université libre de Bruxelles) 

  • Robert Roth( co-supervisor - Université de Genève) 

  • Anne Weyembergh (co-supervisor - ULB) 

  • Nicolas Levrat ( Université de Genève) 

  • Simon Chesterman (National University of Singapore) 

This project receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 722826.