news archive: 2016-2017

ULB (BE): Research Job Vacancy

[31-07-2017] One full-time doctoral position has been opened in a project on European politics and values based at the Université libre de Bruxelles. The researcher will join a team under the supervision of an interdisciplinary scientific committee (Prof. Ramona Coman, Prof. François Foret [spokesperson], Prof. François Heinderyckx). Successful candidates are expected to start working in Brussels on 1 October 2017. The grant covers 2 years of full paid scholarship. PhD candidates with a PhD project in progress are eligible as long as their research is in line with the topic of the project.

LUISS (IT): Post-Doctoral Fellowships

[28-07-2017] GEM-STONES member LUISS Guido Carli di Roma has recently launched a Call for Applications for post-poctoral positions in:

- Communication Sciences (1 research grant)
- Political Sciences (2 research grants)
- Juridical Sciences (1 research grant)
- History (1 research grant)

Applications close 30th Sep 2017.

Looking back: Pictures published from 1st GEM-STONES Summer School

[18-07-2017] A selection of photos has been made available from the PhD Summer School on ‘Critical Perspectives on Globalisation’, hosted at Université de Genève on 3rd – 7th July 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. The Summer School saw 25 students come together for a week of presentations by their peers and invited senior academics, with additional visits organised to WTO, CERN and World Economic Forum.

Pictures and full program of the Summer School here.

GIGA (DE): Postdoctoral Research Fellows (start ASAP)

[14-07-2017] GEM-STONES Consortium member, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies in Hamburg seeks to appoint four Post-Doctoral Research Fellows with following research profiles:

   1° Research profile on Africa with a focus on “Accountability and Participation”
   2° Research profile on Asia with a focus on “Growth and Development”
   3° Research profile on Latin America with a focus on “Peace and Security”
   4° Research profile on the Middle East with a focus on “Power and Ideas”

Full-time positions, starting as soon as possible, each with an initial contract of three years and an option for additional three years, subject to a successful evaluation. Screening of applications will begin on 14 August 2017.

GIGA (DE): Junior Professorship

[10-07-2017] GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, with the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the Georg-August-University Göttingen is currently inviting applications for Junior Professorship in Development Economics or International Economics. The successful applicant will become a Research Fellow at the GIGA in Hamburg and contribute there to the research on development economics and/or international economics on Africa, Asia, Latin America, and/or the Middle East. It is expected that the incumbent contributes adequately to teaching within the economics Bachelor and Master programme as well as to the doctoral course programme and the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences at the University of Göttingen.

Event: PhD Research Seminar – Lauren Tooker (Warwick & ULB)

[06-07-2017] “Ordinary Democracy: Reading Resistances to Debt after the Global Financial Crisis with Stanley Cavell’s Ordinary Language Philosophy” by Ms. Lauren Tooker (University of Warwick & ULB). Date & Time: Friday 7th July 2017, 14:00-16:00 CET? Location: Geremek Room, Instut d’Études Européennes – ULB, Brussels.

Open Vacancy at LUISS (IT): Assistant Professor

[27-06-2017] GEM-STONES member institution, LUISS Guido Carli di Roma is recruiting an Assistant Professor in Political Science for carrying out research, teaching and student services. The research will be conducted mainly with the aim of publishing the results in national and international journals, and the winner will be called upon to undertake teaching duties in the 3-year bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes.

GEM-STONES Fellow Aysel Kucuksu to visit iCourts

[21-06-2017] Aysel Kucuksu, GEM-STONES ESR13 working on ‘The role of the European Court of Justice in framing the principles of distributive global justice’, will be a visiting researcher at the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre of Excellence for International Courts (iCourts) in Copenhagen, between July and October 2017.

Open Vacancy at GIGA (DE): Postdoctoral Research Fellow

[19-06-2017] GEM-STONES Consortium member, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies in Hamburg is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to conduct comparative research on forced migration within and from the global South, preferably with a special focus on the Middle East.

Event: States of Conversion - Lecture by Mona Oraby, Indiana University

[16-06-2017] On June 27th, Mona Oraby, a former participant of the GEM-GR:EEN Summer School in Tunis is to give a lecture in Brussels at the IEE-ULB hosted by the REPI.

Open Vacancy at ULB (BE) - Doctoral Position

[06-06-2017] GEM-STONES Consortium member, Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) has opened one full-time doctoral position in the project 'Governing Values, Governing through Values, Governed by Values? The European Union as a Risk Polity'.

Event: Book Presentation at the IEE-ULB, Brussels

[02-06-2017] GEM-STONES is delighted to promote an upcoming event including contributions by two of its member institutions (REPI-ULB) and (PRIMO-UHAM). The REPi and the IEE-ULB will host a book presentation following the recent pubication by Palgrave McMillan of the edited volume on "South-South Cooperation Beyond the Myths. Rising Donors, New Aid Practices?" Bergamaschi, Isaline, MOORE, PHOEBE, Tickner, Arlene B. (Eds.). The Roundtable will include several of the volume's contributors, inlc: Pooja Jain (EHESS - Paris); Jimena Duran (formerly APC-Colombia); Isaline Bergamaschi (REPI/ULB); Danilo Marcondes (IRI-PUC - Rio de Janeiro)  and Manaíra Assunção (Institute of Political Science/PRIMO University Hamburg). Date & Time: 14th June 2017, 14:00-17:00. Location: IEE-ULB, Brussels.

Event: “Regimes and Networks in a Multicomplex and Increasingly Uncertain World”

[12-04-2017] Prof. Amitav Acharya (American University, Washington Chair) will give a keynote speech at the first annual conference of GEM PhD School and GEM-STONES PhD program. The keynote will be chaired by Prof. Leonardo Morlino (LUISS-Guido Carli), with an introduction by Prof. Mario Telò (GEM-STONES Supervisory Board President, IEE-ULB & LUISS-Guido Carli). Date & Time: 26th April 2017, 18:30-19:30. Location: Aula Toti, LUISS Guido Carli Viale Romania Campus.

Xavier Mabille prize awarded to Maria Martin de Almagro

[04-04-2017] GEM PhD School Alumni Maria Martin de Almagro has been awarded with the Xavier Mabille prize for best PhD thesis submitted and defended in 2015-2016, by the Belgian Political Science Association (ABSP). The title of the thesis is: "(Un)Globalizing Civil Society - When the Boomerang Rebounds" - Transnational Advocacy Networks and Women's Groups in Post-conflict Burundi and Liberia: A Comparative Study".

This project receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 722826.